The book of training quality standards
How do we manage the quality of training services?
- The goal of the quality management policy is to ensure the highest quality and continuous improvement of training services, as well as the professional development of trainers and consultants at PBSG S.A.
- This policy covers all aspects affecting the quality of training services, such as the organization and delivery of training programs, the selection and evaluation system for trainers and consultants, the assessment of learning outcomes, the application of evaluation results to improve the quality of services, and issues related to potential complaints.
- The training services quality management policy ensures a consistent operational model in line with the division of responsibilities and competencies of individual employees and collaborators. It includes mechanisms that facilitate team communication and organizational solutions that contribute to the high quality of development services.
- We continuously inform our clients about the best practices we apply to ensure the high quality of the training services we offer.
What training delivery standards do we guarantee?
- We maintain constant substantive and organizational oversight of the quality of services. To ensure effective supervision, we utilize documentation, including:
- Client needs analysis (for customized/closed services)
- Pre-training questionnaire
- Training scope that describes the educational goal, program (content coverage), time frame, target group characteristics, work forms, and expected outcomes
- Attendance lists of training participants
- Register of issued documents confirming participation in the training along with certificates received
- Post-training satisfaction survey
- Other documents tailored to the specific type of training
- The trainer/consultant responsible for the training ensures proper delivery of the training services. The management of PBSG S.A. supervises the training service delivery process.
- Training sessions take place within specific time frames:
- The duration of one training module does not exceed 4 consecutive days.
- The training service duration in one day, including breaks, does not exceed 9 hours.
- Regular breaks of at least 10 minutes are planned during the sessions.
- For training sessions lasting more than 6 hours in one day, one longer meal break of at least 40 minutes is planned.
However, the possibility of conducting the training on a different schedule that does not meet the conditions mentioned above is allowed, if there is a justified need arising from the chosen training method.
- Training sessions are organized in rented rooms or at the Client’s premises. On-site services at the client’s location are organized in accordance with the standards specified by PBSG S.A. The training room is always adapted to the number of participants, heated, and air-conditioned (depending on weather conditions). It provides access to natural light and artificial lighting and is equipped with various aids and equipment necessary for the delivery of the developmental service (e.g., projector, sound system, flipchart, etc.). The training rooms must comply with occupational health and safety (OHS) and fire protection (FPO) regulations.
What standards do we guarantee for the delivery of closed training sessions?
- The preparation of a customized training program (dedicated to the client) is always preceded by a client needs analysis, conducted according to our methodology.
- The conclusions from the client needs analysis are reflected in the content and organizational aspects of the specific training.
- The delivery of the closed development service is preceded by a contract or order with the client. The document defines the scope of the training, conditions of implementation, as well as the rights and responsibilities of each party.
What standards do we guarantee for the delivery of open training sessions?
- The offer for open training sessions is available online on our website. Upon the client’s request, we also provide it in the form of an electronic or paper brochure.
- To register for an open training session, the client company must submit a completed registration form or send an email.
- The registration form for the open training session is available on the pages presenting the offer for specific training sessions.
- During the open training, we provide participants with meals (breakfast and/or lunch – depending on the training program), coffee breaks, and a certificate of completion.
The participant is responsible for covering the costs of travel to the training location, parking, and any accommodation if needed.
Who is part of our training team?
- Each member of our training team has professional experience appropriate to the scope of the training they conduct. The selection of trainers is based on a certification process carried out according to the methodology of PBSG S.A.
- The competencies of trainers and consultants delivering developmental services are continuously monitored and include:
- Analysis of evaluation surveys,
- Analysis of the trainer’s performance during the training, conducted by another experienced trainer,
- Participation in developmental programs provided by PBSG S.A. (online).
How do we confirm participation in the training?
- Participants in the training sessions receive a certificate confirming their participation and/or qualifications.
- The documents confirming participation in the training and acquired competencies are issued to participants in both paper and/or electronic form.
- For 2 years from the date of participation in the training, the participant can request a duplicate of the certificate confirming the completion of the training.
How do we ensure the evaluation of the education process?
- We systematically evaluate the training services provided.
- The evaluation of training services is carried out using methods tailored to the scope of the service and the Client’s expectations.
- After the training sessions, we conduct a participant satisfaction survey regarding the completed training. The survey is carried out using an evaluation questionnaire.
- Based on the survey, we assess the content quality of the service, its relevance to participants’ professional work, the trainer’s skills and knowledge, as well as the organization of the service.
- The evaluation results are summarized in a report and made available to both the Trainer and the PBSG S.A. Management for analysis and continuous improvement of the quality of the training services provided.
How do we handle training service complaints?
- The right to file a complaint is granted to every participant of the training service.
- A complaint may concern both substantive and organizational issues.
- The complaint should include:
- The company name and the participant’s full name
- Contact details of the person submitting the complaint
- The subject of the complaint (training name, date, and location)
- Justification of the complaint with the reason for submission
- The proposed solution to the complaint by the participant of the training/advisory session
- We respond to the complaint within 14 days from the date of its receipt, and in particularly complex cases, no later than 21 days (in both cases, considering working days). The decision regarding the acceptance or rejection of the complaint will be sent in both written and/or email form.
- If the complaint is accepted in whole or in part, the training company will offer one of the following forms of compensation:
- Rescheduling the training for another date
- Providing an additional form of support to complement the training
- Reducing the originally set training price
- Each complaint is registered and serves as a basis for evaluating the company’s performance by the company’s management.
How do we handle unforeseen difficulties?
- In the event of unforeseen difficulties in the execution of the training, such as the absence of the trainer or unavailability of the training location, actions are taken in accordance with the following guidelines, aimed at resolving the issue or at least minimizing the costs associated with the situation.
- Guidelines for unforeseen situations:
A. Adherence to safety rules in the training room:
- In the event of situations that threaten the safety of participants, occupational health and safety (OHS) and fire protection (FPO) regulations apply.
- The trainer conducting the session is required to immediately contact PBSG S.A. in order to take steps to resolve the issues as quickly as possible.
B. Illnesses or other situations causing the trainer’s absence:
- PBSG S.A. reserves the right to propose a change in the date of an open training session no later than 3 days before its scheduled start without incurring any consequences.
- In the event of an unforeseen emergency situation (e.g., the trainer’s sudden illness, an accident), an appropriate course of action will be taken.C. Brak dostępności miejsca szkolenia:
- In the event that the training location is unavailable, PBSG S.A. will take steps to provide an alternative training room within the same building, provided it meets the required standard.
- In the case of training, PBSG S.A. reserves the right to cancel the training if it is unable to provide an appropriate alternative training room.
D. Participation of intoxicated individuals in training: In addition to standard procedures, the trainer has the right to ask a participant to leave the training room, and in exceptional cases, to request the participant’s removal if their behavior disrupts the training.
How do we inform about the training we offer?
- We publish our training offerings on the website and in promotional materials.
- Information about open training includes, among others:
- Training title
- Training objective
- Description of the target audience for the training
- Duration and format of the training
- Expected outcomes of the training
- Training program
- Training pricing
- Description of the trainer(s) leading the training
- The offer for closed (customized) training is provided to potential clients in written form, and the agreed-upon training details are attached to the contract signed with the client.
- We continuously update our training service offerings based on changes in programs, as well as adjust them to meet the needs of participants and the market.