What do we offer?
Companies should conduct a Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) when processing activities may involve a high risk to the rights or freedoms of individuals. The goal of the assessment is to identify the measures that need to be implemented to demonstrate that personal data processing complies with GDPR. The outcome of the assessment may also include a recommendation to consult with the supervisory authority before proceeding with the processing.
Leverage our expertise and raise the standards of personal data security.
How do we work?
1. Recognition
We will provide a description and assessment of personal data processing operations (including purposes). Not every activity is required to conduct a DPIA. We will help identify whether the processes in your company require such an analysis.
2. Assessment
We will identify processes that require a DPIA and assess the risks of violating the rights and freedoms of individuals whose data we are processing.
3. Description of safeguards
We will provide a description of the safeguards and security measures (both current and planned) for the risks of violating the rights and freedoms of individuals whose data you process.
4. Report and analysis planning
Przygotujemy wymaganą dokumentację i przedstawimy raport z wyników analizy. Dokonamy planowania kolejnych analiz – cykliczne sprawdzanie nowych procesów pojawiających się w firmie. Twoja firma ciągle się zmienia i zastosowane rozwiązania mogą nie wystarczyć, należy regularnie dokonywać przeglądu procesów.
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What else do we offer?
We will help implement personal data security in your organization or its individual components. Check out our offer for other services related to personal data security.
GDPR implementation
Discover the scope of our serviceGDPR audit
Discover the scope of our serviceAudit of data processors
Discover the scope of our serviceRisk analysis in GDPR
Discover the scope of our serviceGDPR documentation
Discover the scope of our serviceOutsourcing DPO
Discover the scope of our serviceAutomation of process assessment
Discover the scope of our servicePrivacy by design and privacy by default
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Analiza DPIA z naszego punktu widzenia
What is a DPIA?
DPIA, or Data Protection Impact Assessment, is a form of analysis and assessment of the impact on personal data protection. A DPIA is conducted when processing activities may involve high risks to the rights or freedoms of individuals.
When do I need to conduct a DPIA under GDPR?
We offer assistance in identifying whether processes involving the processing of personal data require a DPIA (Data Protection Impact Assessment). If so, we provide support in conducting the assessment of the impact on data protection. A detailed list of activities requiring a DPIA is available in the Communication of the President of the Personal Data Protection Office dated June 17, 2019, regarding the list of types of personal data processing operations that require an assessment of the impact on their protection.
Who is the DPIA analysis service under GDPR intended for?
For any company that deals with the processing of personal data in its operations. It is necessary to check whether the processes require a DPIA. You can do this yourself by analyzing the regulation, or alternatively, our consultants are happy to assist in identifying whether the processes involving personal data processing require a DPIA assessment.
How is a DPIA conducted under GDPR?
The process begins with identifying, describing, and assessing personal data processing operations. We highlight, describe, and evaluate the risks to the rights and freedoms of individuals whose data we are processing. Our consultants describe the security measures and safeguards (both current and planned). Finally, we prepare the documentation and report. We schedule the next analysis to regularly check the implemented solutions.
How long does a DPIA take under GDPR?
The duration depends on several factors, including the size of the organization, the number and complexity of the systems used for processing personal data, and the scope of the processing activities. The workload is determined at the beginning of the collaboration.
How much does a DPIA cost under GDPR?
The cost depends on several factors, including the workload required to conduct the analysis. The pricing is provided at the beginning of the collaboration.
Benefits of conducting a DPIA under GDPR
During a DPIA under GDPR, the impact on personal data protection is assessed when processing activities may involve high risks to the rights or freedoms of individuals. The goal of the assessment is to identify the measures that need to be implemented to ensure that personal data processing complies with GDPR. As a result of the assessment, it may be recommended to consult with the supervisory authority before proceeding with the processing. Ultimately, conducting a DPIA strengthens personal data security, and in the event of an audit, you can feel confident knowing that after performing the DPIA assessments, you have fulfilled your obligations towards the data protection authority.